Miss & Model Global Talent Awards 2024

“…in the conquest”


What are the Miss & Model Global Talent Awards?

The Miss & Model Global Talent Awards is an annual event that celebrates excellence in fashion, beauty and modeling. They bring together talented women from around the world to recognize their achievements and highlight their contribution to these industries.



Fashion: In this category, we honor the designers, models, stylists and trendsetters who have made a mark in the fashion industry. From the runway to social media, these women inspire others with their unique style and creativity.

Miss: The Miss category celebrates inner and outer beauty. Here, contestants are judged not only on their appearance, but also on their intelligence, character and commitment to social causes. The winner becomes an ambassador of elegance and empathy.

Model: In the Model category, we highlight models who have captivated the world with their presence on magazine covers, advertising campaigns and fashion shows. Their grace and versatility make them true muses.


How to apply or nominate the best?


Application: If you are a model, designer or fashion professional, you can apply for the awards. Send us an email to: [email protected]. Highlight your achievements, projects and contributions to the industry.

Nomination: Do you know someone exceptional in the world of fashion or modeling? Nominate her! Email us at: [email protected], with her name, accomplishments and a brief description of why she deserves this recognition. Together, we will celebrate the women who are making a difference.